Privacy policy

We want you to feel safe when you entrust your personal information to us. For this reason, we have established this Privacy policy. It is based on the current data protection legislation, and it clarifies our procedures for safeguarding your rights and privacy.

We want you to feel safe when you entrust your personal information to us. For this reason, we have established this Privacy policy. It is based on the current data protection legislation, and it clarifies our procedures for safeguarding your rights and privacy.

The purpose of this policy is to inform you about how we manage your personal information, how the information is used, who has access to this information and under what conditions and methods you may exercise your rights.

We process your personal information primarily to fulfill our obligations towards you. Our basic stance is not to process more personal information than that necessary for the intended purpose, and we always strive to use only the least privacy-sensitive information.

We also need your personal information to provide you with excellent service, including marketing content, follow-ups and general information. We may also need your personal information to comply with current legislation as well as to conduct customer and market analyses.

You are entitled to refuse the processing of personal information for the purpose of direct marketing. When we initially collect personal information about you, you will be informed and instructed on how you can refuse.

We only process personal information when we have a legal reason to do so. We do not process personal information unless necessary, and we do so to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. Here are examples of personal information that we process:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Address
  • E-mail address
  • Department/Manager
  • In some cases, free text messages describing your role and our relationship
  • Meeting reservations
  • Sales-related issues such as estimates, orders and invoices.
  • IP address

All data is processed to deliver and manage our products and services. We need the information to be able to identify you as a customer, for invoicing, customer service and other administration purposes. We also need your information to be able to communicate to you our latest news and/or other important events concerning our products or our company as your supplier.

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we have received your prior consent to do so or if it is not necessary to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations.

An exception to this is if a customer violates our terms of agreement, if legal action is involved or if a public authority requests such disclosure based on current legislation. The tax or police authority is an example of a public authority.

Our security systems are developed with your privacy in mind, and they provide a high level of protection against intrusion, destruction and other changes that could pose a risk to your privacy. We apply logical network constraints, different access levels as well as different physical intrusion protection devices and alarms.

Your personal information is stored for as long as necessary to enable us to fulfill our obligations as a supplier and, for example, in the matter of financial evidence, for as long as required to meet the legal requirements.

Information As our customer, you have the right to contact us at any time to learn what personal information we have collected and stored about you.

Corrections Any correction of stored information can usually be requested via our Customer Service or by calling us by phone.

Limitations If you wish to object to the storage and use of some of the personal information we process, please contact our Customer Service and explain your request. Please note that we will always need to store and manage certain information in order to be able to deliver a specific service to you.

Data portability You are entitled to request an extract of your personal information that has been collected and processed, either manually or automatically, in a machine-readable format.

Deletion On certain conditions, you may request the deletion of your personal information. This could be the case when there are no legal grounds or if there is no legitimate reason for such data storage.

Controller Presto AB, Box 315, 641 23 Katrineholm, Sweden is the responsible entity, the Controller, that protects your personal information, in your capacity as our customer, and the information you provide when registering for the use of our services.

To learn about the specific personal information that we store about you or if you would like us to delete all your personal or company information, please let us know.

In this case, please contact us at


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